Department of Electrical Engineering

The department was established in 1998 with an intake of 60 seats. It is the ever demanding and growing branch with excellent placement record. At present we have 120 seats in B.Tech. and 24 seats in M.Tech. in Electrical Engineering which was started in 2014.
Salient Features
- ↝ Teaching beyond curriculum to enhance practical knowledge.
- ↝ Workshops, Seminars, Paper presentations are arranged to enhance teaching learning skills as well as knowledge upgradation.
- ↝ Industrial visits and continuing education program.
- ↝ Use of Modern teaching aids like LCD Projectors /OHPs,Power Analyzer and Laptops.
- ↝ 24 hrs Internet connectivity.
- ↝ Wi-Fi system in the department.
- ↝ Fully furnished Air-conditioned computer lab.
- ↝ Training to students for industrial projects by PRIYA .
- ↝ MAT lab with latest version.
- ↝ Experts from industries &College to deliver special.
- ↝ Special coaching facility for IES/ GATE exams in the institute.
Scope for Higher Education
- ↣ Electrical Engineers can find opportunities in any of the categories:
↣ Power generation, power electronics, computers, control systems, telecomm. and Bio-Medical, distribution, power & electrical sub stations such as PWD, MES, NTPC, NHPC, Reliance power, etc
↣ Design, installation and maintenance Engineer for telecommunications networks & wireless transmission systems such as Telecom Industries.
↣ Industrial automation, robotics and process control engineer,quality control Engg. in any manufacturing industry.
↣ Software Engineer in an IT industry Like TCS, WIPRO, HCL, CMC etc.
↣ Design & Manufacturing Engineer for appliance manufacturers, telecomm., computer industries etc.
Major Labs
- ↪ Electrical Technology Lab
- ↪ Electrical Machines & Drives Lab
- ↪ Power System Lab
- ↪ Signal & System Lab
- ↪ Power Electronics Lab
- ↪ Electrical Measurement & Instrument Lab
- ↪ Simulation Lab
- ↪ Project & Electrical Workshop Lab
Scope for Computer Engineers
- ↳ After graduation as Electrical Engineer one can look for M.Tech in any of the following areas:
- ↳ Power system
- ↳ Advanced Electrical Engineering
- ↳ Sensor Systems & Signal Processing
- ↳ Industrial automation and Robotics
- ↳ Instrumentation & Control Engineering
- ↳ Power conversion and systems